
The Catholic School of St Gregory The Great Believe and Achieve

International Links

Kakumini Primary School

The Catholic School of Saint Gregory The Great are linked to a school called Kakumini Primary School in Matuu, Kenya. In the last few years, Mrs Till, Mr Ellyatt, Mrs Blanch and a number of teachers from Gloucestershire have been fortunate to have visited different schools in the Matuu area.  As part of the work with the schools in Matuu some of the headteachers from Kenya visited our school in 2011. Whilst the teachers were in Kenya they wrote a report on what life was like there, some of this report is written below;

‘Some of the schools had close links with the local churches and had a strong sense of community. Mackivenzi Primary School had an ICT suite which members of the community could use during out of school hours.   One of the teachers was also a local pastor and he spent a lot of his time providing support to children out of school hours.



The children also brought food to school to eat at lunchtime.  Those with food were encouraged to share it with those who had none.  These lessons of helping ones neighbour were played out between families within the community.


What was also apparent in each school was the immense pride the children and staff took in their school.  This was ably demonstrated by the pride in which they wore their uniforms.


At Kukumini School the local community are also building a small local church so to enable families not to make the 5+ mile trek to the Church in Matuu.   The church is being made from local materials, branches and mud for the walls and corrugated iron for the roof; again the project is being funded by the local community.’


