
The Catholic School of St Gregory The Great Believe and Achieve

Collective Worship

Collective Worship



Collective Worship is a way of affirming our identity, our individuality and our communal belonging to the Body of Christ. It is our loving response in word and action to God’s invitation to enter into a relationship with Him, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit. Through Prayer and Liturgy, we give glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. 

We are blessed to have a variety of faiths represented within our school community. This evokes a culture of respect for our differences and an opportunity to learn more about the different religions of our families. It is also seen by our children and staff as another reason for celebrating the diversity that has been a constant characteristic of our school since its foundation. All are invited to participate in Collective Worship and to understand the role that Prayer and Liturgy takes in the life of our school. 
We encourage our children to plan, lead and reflect on Collective Worship, being supported by staff, who themselves lead prayer and liturgy in a variety of ways across the school.

Making Time for Prayer and Liturgy


In accordance with our Mission Statement, being ‘part of God’s family’ means we engage in Prayer and Liturgy daily. Throughout the school week, specific time is allocated for Collective Worship, however it is not simply confined to ‘timetabled slots’ and can take place in a variety of other contexts. Following the liturgical calendar, our school comes together to celebrate important events in the Church and school calendars.

The table below shows how time is typically allocated for Collective Worship:

Collective Worship - Timetable


The table below shows how we typically schedule Prayer and Liturgy across the school year, working alongside our local parishes and the clergy.






