Y5 Preparation & Transition
View our Transition Year 5 2024-25 document.
What do we hope children can do as learners before Y5?
- Start to have a longer attention span.
- Become more interested in the world around them and find out how things work.
- Start to deal with frustrations and conflicts in a more mature way.
- Develop more self-control, being able to recover from mood swings or outbursts more quickly.
- Develop a strong moral sense of right and wrong and become increasingly concerned with fairness.
During Year 5 we hope that the children will be able to…
- Punctuate sentences accurately, without prompting, with full stop and capital letter as a minimum.
- Be able to tie shoe laces, top buttons and ties independently.
- Take care of own equipment – not losing pencils, rulers, coats, trainers etc.
- Remember homework, PE kit, swimming kit and water bottles on correct day, without support from parents.
- Tidy up after themselves and work together to look after the classroom environment.
- Support and encourage classmates, showing respect to others.
- Begin to show resilience in challenging situations.
- Actively participate in all lessons.
Y5 Curriculum
What will Year 5 be learning this year?
Term 1 & 2 | Term 3 & 4 | Term 5 & 6 |
Ancient Greeks | Anglo-Saxons The Water Cycle | The Vikings Fieldwork - Rivers |
- PE Kits; please make sure your child has the correct coloured t-shirt representing their house team.
- PE kits will need to be in school at all times.
- PE kits will be sent home at the end of each term for washing, please ensure it is sent back into school on the first day of the new term.
Y5 Trips
Will my child be going on any trips this year?
There are lots of exciting trips and activities to look forward to and enjoy in Year 5. Below are some of the trips we would like to go on next year…
- Swimming Lessons
- Literature Festival
- Science Festival
- Geography fieldwork along the River Chelt
- Skillzone
- Bishopswood for an Anglo-Saxon day
- Secondary School STEM Immersion Day
- KINGSWOOD residential!
- What homework will Y5 receive?
Mathletics homework is set on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Friday. Spelling homework sheets are sent home on a Monday and need to be handed in on Friday and there will be a spelling test on Friday. Occasionally, we may ask your child to undertake some research, or
project work. - What formal Tests will Y5 sit?
Weekly spelling tests - Friday. Bi-weekly arithmetic and 99 club tests. CATs tests, usually in February/March and Optional Tests in May.