
The Catholic School of St Gregory The Great Believe and Achieve

Maths Events

Math Puzzle Workshop - November 2024
Our Y3 and Y4 children were next to enjoy a puzzle workshop. The children learnt that our brains don’t like to think in diagonals and that sometimes we have to try things in a different way to what we first think. We had to use perseverance, logic and our understanding of geometry as well as a lot of teamwork to solve all these problems. It was fantastic!


Maths Puzzle Workshop - October 2024

On Wednesday 2nd October 2024 Y5 and Y6 were very lucky to have a visit from Michael who shared his amazing maths puzzles! The children were able to use all of their problem solving skills – they were visualising, pattern spotting, working systematically and using trial by improvement. All of our children showed perseverance and proved they are all mathematicians.


HSBC Smart Money Award 2024 
This year HSBC visited classes to teach our children about being money smart. They presented us with a trophy to recognise all the work that we have been doing across the school on financial education. 


Y6 Make Money Grow Fete 
On Monday 8th July 2024 we held a Y6 fete as part of our Make Money Grow Project! The children certainly demonstrated their entrepreneurial skills, ending up with a profit of just over £600! They loved deciding on their business idea and working together as a team to hold the event. The Y6 children will now decide how to spend the money for their end-of-year treat.


Maths Explore learning Workshop – Y6 
On Wednesday, July 3rd 2024, Explore Learning visited Year 6 to conduct a problem-solving workshop focused on budgeting and planning a family trip to New York. The students had a great time selecting various activities for the trip and collaborating with a partner to find the best deals and experiences!


Y5 Make Sense of Pence workshop

On Monday 1st July, Year 5 had a visit from Make Sense of Pence – a workshop aimed to instill a foundational understanding of money, its value, and its management. An essential life skill! The children learnt about where we get money, what forms it takes and the difference between wants and needs. Every child was given a book to take home with them, serving as a lasting resource on financial literacy.


Maths Sign Makers Workshop 
Explore learning visited Y5 on Friday 23rd February 2024 to complete a sign makers problem-solving task. Following a careful set of rules, the children had to calculate the most cost-effective way to make new shop fronts!


Maths Dice Dilemmas Workshop
Explore learning visited Y4 on Friday 9th February 2024 to complete a problem-solving task involving dice. The children used their reasoning skills and knowledge of missing number problems to tackle this challenge. The strategies trial by improvement and pattern spotting helped them to be successful. 


Number Day 2024
On the 2nd February 2024, we celebrated the wonderful world of number as part of the NSPCC’s Number Day. We brought in donations to wear number-themed clothes and support the amazing work of the children’s charity. 

Each class completed a number themed activity and there were even prizes for number-tastic outfits for each phase in assembly!

Thank you to our school community for your support in raising money for the NSPCC.



EYFS Parent Workshop January 2024
EYFS parents and guardians were invited to learn more about how we teach Maths. Children and their adults completed a range of interactive activities together using common themes from our lessons such as part/part/whole and parts of 5. They were able to take the activity plans and resources they used in the session home with them afterwards. A copy of the slides for the adults who were unable to attend and for future reference are attached as PDF at the bottom of the page.


Y1 and Y3 Visit to the University of Gloucestershire. 
On Tuesday 16th May 2023 our Y1 and Y3 children enjoyed a visit to the university to take part in different maths activities. They had to reason and problem solve in small groups. They all enjoyed the range of activities and it gave them a chance to retrieve and use prior learning. 


EYFS Parent Workshop
In March, EYFS parents and guardians were invited to learn more about how we learn Maths at St Gregorys. Children and their adults completed a range of interactive activities together using common themes from our lessons such as part/part/whole and parts of 5. They were able to take the activity plans and resources they used in the session home with them afterwards. A copy of the slides for the adults who were unable to attend and for future reference are attached as PDF at the bottom of the page.

Click here to view the EYFS Parent Workshop March 2023 slides.



Y5 Maths Challenge 

On Thursday 9th May 2024 Ben, Finn, Trevor and Jake from Year 5 visited Cheltenham Ladies College to compete in a Primary Maths Challenge. Our boys scored ahead of 11 other Cheltenham primary schools to take first place - what an amazing achievement! There were 5 tough rounds, including a speed round, logic round and relay round.  All four boys worked exceptionally hard throughout the day, showing genuine determination, enthusiasm and resilience (there were some really difficult questions!).  They were impeccably behaved, worked brilliantly as a team and were a credit to our school. Well done!


Some of our Y5 pupils enjoyed taking part in the Primary Team Maths Challenge at the CLC Health and Fitness Centre on Monday 20th March 2023. They completed a range of mathematical problems, showing perseverance and great team work skills. 


Y3 Maths Puzzles – Wednesday 15th February 2023 
A visitor came in to share some Maths puzzles with both Y3 classes. They all enjoyed completing a range of Geometry puzzles. The children showed perseverance and proved they are all mathematicians!


Number Day 2023 
We raised an amazing £200 for NSPCC Number Day! The children were invited to dress up as a number and they took part in different number activities throughout the day.



HSBC Money Workshops 2023 
Four of our KS2 classes had a visit from HSBC to learn how important maths skills are in our daily lives. Y4 completed a super supper challenge, focusing on healthy eating within a budget and Y5 enjoyed savvy shopping, learning how to make good purchasing decisions. 


HSBC Money Workshop 2022
Y2 and Y4 enjoyed a money workshop led by HSBC. They helped the children think about what we need money for in our lives and how to be responsible with money. 


Number Day 2022
We raised an amazing £211 for NSPCC Number Day! The children were invited to dress up as a number and they took part in different number activities throughout the day. 


Y1 Visit to the University of Gloucestershire
Our Y1 children enjoyed a visit to the university to take part in different maths activities. They were able to work together to solve problems with the support of the lovely Uni students. 


