
The Catholic School of St Gregory The Great Believe and Achieve



Prayer is the foundation of Christian life. Prayer is communication or communion with God. Through prayer we are drawn deeper into the life of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus himself taught us the need for prayer. In Gethsemane as He prepared Himself for the climax of His life, Jesus received the strength He needed in prayer to His Father, “Abba Father Take this cup away from me but let it be as you not I, would have it”. At moments of His public ministry when those in need were pressing around Him, Jesus went off to a lonely place and prayed there.


We can pray anywhere and at any time. The first step is to place ourselves, as we are, in the presence of God. The second step in prayer is to pray. This means speaking to the Lord, asking Him for our needs and thanking Him for the many gifts He has given to us. This leads to praise and adoration. The third step is to be silent so the Lord Himself can guide the direction of our hearts.


Pope Francis 5 Finger PrayerOpening PrayerLenten Prayer Ribbons
Pope Francis 5 Finger PrayerOpening PrayerLenten Prayer Ribbons
Prayer BearHail Mary
Prayer Bears at HomePrayer BearsHail Mary


As Pope Francis says, at The Catholic School of St Gregory the Great prayer is the key that opens the door to our faith. It is a way in which we become aware of God’s presence and his love for us. We listen to Him in order to discover His will for us and to express to Him our gratitude, praise, love and adoration.

Pupils and staff have the opportunity to experience different forms of prayer, including formal, more traditional prayers of the Catholic Church, prayers common across the school said at agreed times of the school day, as well as spontaneous prayer, meditative prayer and time for contemplation. 

Children at our school are developing a growing independence to pray through stillness. They understand the importance of spending time in God’s presence, both individually and as a community, to deepen their faith and develop a relationship with God.


Whole Staff Training on Contemplative PrayerWhole Staff Training on Contemplative Prayer
Whole Staff Training on Contemplative Prayer


The links below will help you learn a little more about prayer in our school, how we use our environment to cultivate spaces which enable us to speak to and listen to God and what our children say about prayer.
