
The Catholic School of St Gregory The Great Believe and Achieve

Key Dates

Foundation Stage (Reception) Process

Information about the application process and the County Council online application form will be available in the autumn on the County Council website. Alternatively you can contact the Access to Education Team directly on 01452 425407.


You will also need to send copies of your child's birth certificate and baptism certificate (if applicable) which should be returned directly to the school at  This should be done before the closing date for applications.



We recommend that you accept the allocated school place as this in no way affects any request to go on the waiting list or appeal for an alternative school place but does ensure that your child has a school place for September.

Please note if any schools on your waiting list can be offered, your original offer will be withdrawn and given to another child. If you require the original offer back, you may have to go on a waiting list which will be held in accordance with the school’s admission criteria.


The Gloucestershire Local Authority is responsible for allocating school places for children joining Reception.  The Governors are responsible for ranking the applications according to the Admissions Policy of that year.


Foundation Admission for Sept 2025 - Key dates

From November 2024Letters sent out explaining how to apply for a school place.
If you are a Gloucestershire resident and you still have not
received a letter by December 2024 please contact Co-ordinated Admissions
4th  Nov 2024- 15th Jan 2025Application Window.  Closing date for school applications is midnight on the 15th January 2025
Wed 16th Apr 2025Allocation Day
Wed 23rd April 2025CLOSING date to return reply form accepting the School/Academy
place or requesting to be put on waiting list/s
After Wed 14th May 2025Outcome of Waiting List Requests
Wed 21st May 2025MIDNIGHT CLOSING date for return of reply forms
June/.July 2025Appeals