Within Cheltenham there is in the region of 4,300 children and young people growing up in poverty and that those
children, when compared to their more affluent peers are then facing significant challenges such as:
- poorer education attainment,
- higher rates of exclusion,
- at higher risk being victims of crime,
- higher risk of being obese,
- higher risk of being open to social care, higher risk of self-harm.
Within Cheltenham there is in the region of 4,300 children and young people growing up in poverty and that those children, when compared to their more affluent peers are then facing significant challenges such as:
- poorer education attainment,
- higher rates of exclusion,
- at higher risk being victims of crime,
- higher risk of being obese,
- higher risk of being open to social care, higher risk of self-harm.
As a result, Cheltenham Borough Council and its partners have committed to a year of action, called No Child Left Behind, that will:
- Highlight the issue of children growing up in poverty in Cheltenham and the inequality between them and their more affluent peers
- Start to address the inequality gap beginning with 12 month programme of events and activities
- Be a call to action for all sectors to work together to make transformational change over the longer-term

Press Release
No Child Left Behind community agreement launches across the town...READ MORE HERE: