The Friends of St Gregory’s (FOSG) is a fun way to bring parents, family members and staff together. They are responsible for planning and running social events and clubs, with the aim of raising funds for additional resources for our school.
It is an incredibly important part of our school community, and we encourage all parents to help at a minimum of one event per academic year. We run a variety of activities from discos, film nights to cake sales and much more (see what we have been up to so far below) which bring enjoyment to all involved from the volunteers to our children.
Achievements from FOSG to date, have included providing the school with the Trim Trail, Sun shelter sails, play equipment and most recently the Playpod. This year we have been challenged to raise funds for over 50 tablets to be allocated throughout the school – which they are currently on target for!
FOSG would love you to join in, new faces, ideas and thoughts are ALWAYS welcome
Get involved e-mail:
Here are just a few of the event we organise