
The Catholic School of St Gregory The Great Believe and Achieve

Food & Drink at School

School Dinners

 £2.71 from 1st April 2024

  • Menus below

  • Provider: Caterlink.

  • Cost: Meals cost £2.71 a day.  Payment is to be made in advance using ParentPay.
  • EYFS - Y2 - These children receive Universal FREE school meals. Parents must still apply for Free School meals as they may qualify for further funding.  Apply for Free school meals HERE.
  • Y3 - Y6 - Unless you have qualified for FSM (Free School Meals) you will have to pay £2.71 daily for your child's hot dinner.  Please click the link below to find out if you are eligible for FSM.


All children under 5 years of age receive free of charge, one 189ml portion of milk per day at school. This is funded by the Government and provided via a company called Cool Milk. After your child's fifth birthday, if you wish your child(ren) to continue to have a portion of milk each day, please contact Cool Milk directly. Link: Cool Milk


Fruit and Vegetable Scheme
Under the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme all children aged 4-6 are entitled to a piece of free fruit or vegetable each day. This is readily available in their classroom area throughout the day.


We encourage Y3-6 to bring in a healthy snack each day to eat at breaktime.  This can be some fresh fruit or vegetable.

Drinking Water

We encourage all children to sip at fresh drinking water throughout the day. This is because it has been proven to aid concentration. Please provide your child with a transparent, named water bottle which should have a sports cap mechanism on it. This should be refilled daily with plain water. Bottles can be purchased from the School Office.


Nut Allergies

Please note that we have a few children and staff in school who are allergic to nuts. Please do not include any nuts / peanut butter/ Nutella /pumpkin seeds in your children's packed lunch or in cakes for the cake bakes. Thank you for your cooperation.

