
The Catholic School of St Gregory The Great Believe and Achieve

EYFS New Parents


Congratulations and thank you for choosing The Catholic School of Saint Gregory The Great for your child. We look forward to meeting you in the near future and we hope that we shall have a very happy and successful relationship with you and your child.


What Happens Next?

  • We will send a Letter welcoming you and your child to the school along with key dates for you to add to your diary. This letter will be sent to your home address at the end of April. 
  • Your welcome letter will provide you with your first steps and information on the forms that need to be filled in and sent back to us ASAP.  Please Note: if we do not receive your child's pupil information forms and Allergy/Medical forms(if applicable) by the deadline it WILL delay your child's start date.
  • To help you to get to know us better you will be invited to a Welcome Meeting, this will be held at Saint Gregory’s School. In the meantime check out our Parent Information Brochure below:

The Welcome Meeting

The EYFS (Foundation Stage) team will be there to greet you. Parents/carers are asked to attend this meeting without the children, as this will be an opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher, the Headteacher and the other new parents in preparation for this exciting new phase in you and your child’s life.  At this meeting:

  • The starting school induction procedure will be explained to you
  • You will meet the team
  • You will receive your home visit date
  • You will find out what class your child is in
  • You will receive the time and date of your child’s special morning
  • You will collect your child ordered uniform (explained in your welcome latter)


Listen to a story read by some of our staff members!

Dough Disco 
Introduced by Miss Buckland

Hugless Douglas Goes to School
Read by Mrs Jewer

Owl Babies
Read by Mrs Biddle

Listen to more stories HERE!

The Home Visit

On the day, we will visit you in your home environment. The visit will last for about 15-20 minutes.  This will be an opportunity for you to share with us any information about your child or family that you feel will be helpful, a chance to ask questions, a chance for us to share information with you and most importantly a chance for us to build a relationship with you and your child.  


We will use this opportunity to chat with your child too about their interests and will also carry out some activities with them so that we can use this information to help settle them in to school.  When the children start school, we find that they feel more comfortable and love to recount their experience with us!


What to expect from your child

  • Excitement / anxiety / nerves.
  • Settling in takes different amounts of time for different children.
  • Tiredness and irritability – early nights, healthy meals.
  • Teacher available at classroom door before and after school
  • Need a more formal appointment?  Speak to the school office.


Helping your child to get ready for school


Daily Routines

  • EYFS have their own allocated area for drop off and pick ups.
  • Gates and Classroom doors open from 8.40am each morning.
  • Classroom doors close from 8.45am.
  • Your child’s class teacher will be there to greet you each morning/end of day.
  • When the bell goes the door will shut. If you are late you will need to take your child to the office to sign in.
  • Punctuality is really important!
  • Each morning if the children are having hot dinners they will choose from 3 options. It is really helpful if you can talk about these prior to the children coming in. 
  • PE will take place each Thursday – please ensure a PE kit is brought in at the start of each term and we will return it at the end to be washed.
  • School finishes promptly at 3.10pm.  We expect a prompt pick up.


What to pack each day!

  • All uniform to be labelled – even socks and pants!
  • Coat every day please.
  • Book bag – containing reading book and reading record (everyday please!)
  • If packed lunch – variety of foods and NO NUTS! 
  • Water bottle (only water!)
  • Weather dependent:-Warm hats, scarves and gloves (the children have free-flow outside) In the summer – sun hats and sun cream (we would advise to apply before school). 



  • EYFS, Year 1 & Year 2 receive Universal Free School Meals (UFSM). 
  • We recommend that ALL children in these year groups take a hot meal for lunch.  Children are more likely to try new foods along with their new friends.
  • If you choose to send your child in with a packed lunch please remember we are a strict NO NUTS SCHOOL! 
  • ALL EYFS parents/carers MUST apply for Free School Meals (even though you receive UFSM).  If successful you may be entitled to further funding for your child.



  • When you come to St Gregory’s, you agree to follow our community rules,
  • Please DO NOT PARK in the cul-de-sac or Knapp Road.
  • Instead, park in Waitrose and walk around – it takes 3 minutes.
  • This is for the safety of all of our children.


How we connect

  • TAPESTRY - Online learning journal where you can follow your child's learning journey and share with us home experiences too! More info to follow in September. 
  • TWITTER - The School Twitter is an Open Account meaning that it can be followed by the public
    and viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies.
    Pictures uploaded will not show children’s faces, we may share a photo that features a children’s
    hands or back of the head as they create a piece of artwork or are involved in a group activity. Follow us here; @SaintGregsChel
  • SCHOOL WEBSITE - As you can see our website is packed full of information.  We are a paperless school. We will give you details on how to log on to our school payment/booking apps - you will be able to pay for trips, give permissions, sign up for parents evenings via these systems. 
  • YOUTUBE - Our virtual school
  • PARENT PAY - Pay for meals, Trips & paid for clubs
  • EDULINKONE - Register for Parent Teacher Reviews (PTRs), Register for FREE clubs & Sporting activities/competitions and school events.



Please do not hesitate to contact the school should you have any questions. 

