
The Catholic School of St Gregory The Great Believe and Achieve

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 2024-25


Y6 Preparation & Transition

View our Transition Year 6 2024-25 document.


What do we hope children can do as learners before Y6?

  • Organise themselves and ensure that deadlines are met

  • Take responsibility for their own learning

  • Show independence e.g. speaking to the teacher directly if they have queries or concerns

  • Show resilience in a range of challenging situations

  • Be a role model for younger pupils

  • Actively participate in all lessons


We aim to make the transition from each year group as smooth as possible. We work very closely with the previous teachers to ensure that individual needs are passed on and we will spend time with the children before they start with us in September. 


If you have any concerns or want to speak to us individually about your child, please feel free to do so. 


Upon entering Year 6 we hope that the children will…

  • Show resilience in challenging situations
  • Show respect to each other at all times 
  • Support and encourage each other with kindness
  • Set an example to the other children in the school
  • Show independence
  • Ask for help if they need it
  • Actively participate in lessons
  • Take responsibility – looking after their equipment, tidying up, looking after our environment
  • Pack their own bags for school (remembering PE kits, water bottles, homework)
  • Read at home every night – this will have a huge impact


Y6 Curriculum

What will Year 6 be learning this year?

Our work will be centred round a topic for two school terms at a time. Where possible, many of our National Curriculum subjects will be linked with this topic to enable the children to make links across the curriculum and provide a context for their learning.


Term 1 & 2Term 3 & 4Term 5 & 6
Cheltenham - a local studyThe Maya and Amazon Rainforest

Crime and Punishment

Fair Trade


Some homework is research based and you may find the internet or our local town library helpful for this homework. There, you can borrow books and use the internet for free.


  • PE Kits; please make sure your child has the correct coloured t-shirt representing their house team.
  • PE kits will need to be in school at all times.
  • PE kits will be sent home at the end of each term for washing, please ensure it is sent back into school on the first day of the new term.


Y6 Trips

Will my child be going on any trips this year?
There are lots of exciting trips and activities to look forward to and enjoy in Year 6.  Below are some of the trips we would like to go on next year…

  • Annual residential to PGL in October.
  • Literature Festival
  • Science Festival
  • Activities Week



  • What formal tests will Y6 sit?
    Optional Tests in May, Weekly spelling test, Bi-weekly arithmetic & 99 club tests and Year 6 SATS in May with practice papers set throughout the year. 
  • What homework will Y6 receive?
    Maths homework is set on Friday and marked the following Friday in class. Spellings are also handed out on Friday to be tested the following Friday. Reading should be daily with the children recording their progress in their planners. Children are encouraged to use their planners to keep track of all homework and when it is due in preparation for secondary school.