
The Catholic School of St Gregory The Great Believe and Achieve

What We Do

Clifton ChaplaincyClifton Chaplaincy


At The Catholic School of St Gregory the Great, the role of a Chaplaincy Team member is varied, with set events in our school calendar relying on their participation, such as, our termly Values for Life vote to decide what our focus value will be each term, our termly Leaders in Faith sessions in EYFS and Key Stage 1 and leading Masses and Liturgical Prayer services for the whole school. 


Leaders in FaithTermly Values Penny Vote
Distribution of Prayer
Bears to Classes
Leaders in FaithTermly Values Penny Vote

There are also times when members of The Chaplaincy Team are called upon to represent our school, including providing visitors with a tour of the school and questioning potential employees on their understanding of the prayer life and ethos of a school. Members represent our school at diocesan events, travel to our Little Way Catholic Partnership schools for training or liturgies, such as Missio Masses and prayer picnics at Prinknash Abbey. Above all, the role of a member of The Chaplaincy Team is to support and enhance spiritual life of our school.


Class Mass in our School ChapelPlaydoh Prayers in the School ChapelOur Termly Values Display for Courage


To learn more about the role and responsibilities of being in The Chaplaincy Team, look at the job duties and requirements that we share during our induction training at the beginning of every school year.

Job Duties
Chaplaincy Team members will be responsible for:

  • Guiding others in use of the school’s Chapel e.g. leading prayer, reading scripture or guiding reflection
  • Planning and leading whole school Gospel assemblies with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher
  • Supporting staff and pupils in creating inspiring prayer areas
  • Planning and leading Liturgical Prayer within their classes
  • Leaders in Faith sessions teaching our youngest children about the principles of Catholic Social Teaching
  • Living out Jesus’ teachings
  • Supporting the work of the Chaplaincy Lead e.g. conducting learning walks and pupil conferencing
  • Supporting and developing the spiritual growth of others
  • Working in partnership with the Catholic cluster and Diocese

Chaplaincy Team members will be:

  • Role models of Jesus’ teachings
  • Concerned with the spiritual well-being of others
  • Sensitive to the views or beliefs of others
  • Willing to share their own beliefs or ideas
  • Reverent
  • Willing to learn as part of their own spiritual journey
  • Able to have fun whilst fulfilling their responsibilities 


In our RE Inspection in 2016 we were praised for the work of the Chaplaincy Team:

“The prayer life of the school is inclusive and joyful. Prayer punctuates the school day and is part of every celebration. There is a strong focus on encouraging more pupils to organise and lead collective worship, following the excellent example of the chaplaincy team. The school chapel is at the heart of the school and used well.”

“The pupils’ ownership of prayer and worship is now led by an enthusiastic chaplaincy team which is having a growing impact on the involvement of all pupils;”

“The school council and the chaplaincy team represent the pupils’ voice to communicate ideas and feelings expressed by every class across the school. They feel their voice is heard and their opinions matter.  For  example,  they  play  a  key  role  in  choosing,  planning,  and  supporting fundraising initiatives such as St. Vincent de Paul and CAFOD.”
