
The Catholic School of St Gregory The Great Believe and Achieve

In-year Process

Applying for a school place during the school year (in-year applications)

Firstly please view the Gloucestershire County Council In-Year Admissions Guidance Booklet this will explain the process fully and answer any questions you may have.


In Year Admissions Process

In Year applications are those applications made during the academic year for a school place in Reception (FS) through to Year 6.   To apply for a place at The Catholic School of St. Gregory The Great you should contact the school directly in the first instance. The child’s Parent/Carer(s) will need to complete an In Year Admissions Common Application Form and send it to the School Office.  Our In Year Admissions Common Application Form  is available HERE. Further advice can be sought from the In Year Team at Gloucestershire County Council.  


Please read the documents on the County Council website regarding applying for a place during the academic year and download and fill in an In Year Application form.  


What we need from you

We need to see and will need to take a copy of:

  • The child's original birth Certificate
  • If applying under one of the faith based criteria,  we will need to see the original Certificate of Baptism or letter from a member of the clergy.
  • Proof of address are also required to support your application.  This can be read in more detail in the Admissions Policy of that year.


Waiting Lists
In addition to their right of appeal, unsuccessful parents will be offered the opportunity for their child’s name to be placed on a waiting list. This waiting list will be maintained in order of the oversubscription criteria set out above and not in the order in which applications are received or added to the list. Waiting lists for admission will operate throughout the school year. The waiting list will be held open until the last school day of the summer term. Each child added to the list will require the list to be ranked again in line with the above published oversubscription criteria. Inclusion in the school’s waiting list does not mean that a place will eventually become available.
